Details Of The Orasanye Committee Report For The Restructuring And Rationalization Of The Federal MDAs

Details Of The Orasanye Committee Report For The Restructuring And Rationalization Of The Federal MDAs

Badru AN

President Muhammadu Buhari has approved the implementation of a report submitted by the presidential committee on restructuring and rationalization of federal government parastatals, commissions and agencies during the Goodluck Jonathan administration.

Commonly called the Oransaye report, the 800-paged report had recommended the abolishment and merging of 102 government agencies and parastatals.

Zainab Ahmed, the minister of finance, budget and national planning, told Channels TV on Wednesday that the president’s approval has been forwarded to the head of civil service and secretary-general of the federation.

“The president has approved that this administration should implement the Oransanye report,” Ahmed said.

1. I looked at the Oransanye Committee Report....the report will break so many people's heart and it the way to go, for example: ARMTI was recommended for self financing because they've been operational for more than 32years. NTA,FRCN and VON merged and renamed...

2. The reccomendation for scrapping of FRSC and sent to relevant departments like Ministry of Works, Police, Vehicle Inspection department and so on is interesting but the reccomendation was rejected by the government at that time. We await the implementation of the Report soon.

3. So many lofty recommendation in the report but they were rejected. One of the rejected reccomendation was abolishing of both Christian and Muslim Pilgrim board. I don't know why government will be paying or sponsoring people to go pray to their God.

4. Like they also recommended that Govt should restrict the subsidy of foreign currency  for such program. All of which was rejected by the then administration...Hope those will be implemented

5. The committee also recommended that the Nigerian Law School should reposition itself and self sustain by getting grants, endowment fund and others  while Government only caters for essential capital expenses.

6. The report recommended that EFCC, ICPC and Code of Conduct Bureau be merged and  strengthened, while the CCT should be made a anti corruption tribunal specifically for corruption cases such that the enabling law of CCT be replaced with a newly enacted law accommodating the scope.

7. The report suggested the management audit of all agencies in the Aviation sector and the merger of the trio NAMA, NIMET and NCAA into a body to be known as Federal Civil Aviation Authority (FCAA) while FAAN is privatized without further delay.

8. The committee recommended that Committee members on board of directors should not be more than 7 and they should have relevant experience and knowledge about the committee

9. The committee recommended that NDLEA's personnel cost be reduced and it's overhead and capital costs increased to the enhance undercover operations and acquisition of Hi-Tech hardware and systems to fight illicit drugs activities.

10. NDE(National Directorate of Employment) and SMEDAN(Small&Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria) be merged to form a single agency for job and wealth creation  called  National Agency for Job Creation and Employment (NAJCE)

11. The Oransanye Committee recommended that National Productivity Centre (NPC) be scrapped as government doesn't need a fully fledged organization to sensitize citizen to be productive and hard-working

12. The committee recommended that the Nigeria Institute of Mining and Geosciences (NIMG) be abolished and budgetary allocation to the Institute stopped.

13. The Committee recommended amendment of NNPC law to allow for an independent chairman o the Corporation Governing board be appointed by the President, merger of PPPRA and PEF into a single department in the Ministry of Petroleum

14. They recommended that PTDF be subsumed by Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) thereby ensuring synergy and establishing nonstop training and placement of competent Nigerian in oil and gas sector. Also DPR be fully funded.

15. National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NPTIN) be wounded up as it's continued existence is unnecessary since PHCN has been privatized the committee recommended.

16. They also recommended that National Rural Electrification Agency (NREA) personnel cost and capital budget allocation be discontinued and that a Technical board be established for the 10 GENCOS and 11 DISCOS. Also that expert be appointed in the TCN committee

17. The committee recommended that National Agency for Science & Engineering  Infrastructure (NASENI), Public & Representative Office Disqualification Act(PRODA),Federal Institute of Industrial Research(FIIRO) and NCAM be merged into one research and development agency

18. The committee recommended the name Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) which was accepted and they recommended that Government stops further funding of NFF in accordance with FIFA's .

19. Federal Road Maintenance Agency(FERMA)  and Federal Highways Department of the Ministry of works was recommended to be transformed into an extra ministerial department and funding of road maintenance be classified as special Capital Allocation in the annual budget

20. The committee recommended that the
National Troupe of Nigeria (NTN)  and the National Theatre (NT) be merged
with the National Council of Arts and Culture (NCAC) into one  agency to enable synergy, effectiveness and with

21. The committee recommended that government stops funding Nigerian Natural Medicine Development Agency (NNMDA) and their functions be transferred to the Institute of Medical Research in the Federal Ministry of Health

22. The Committee recommended that Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON),Consumer Protection Council Protection Council (CPC) and the Department of Weights and Measures be merged into a new agency

23. The NYSC was recommended to be restructured  with a view to developing a framework to cover critical areas of national socio-economic development to which Corps members would be deployed for their primary assignments focusing on skills training and acquisition.



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